Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Brain Fart vs. Baby's R Us?

So part of the Baby's room (singular possessive thanks to Irene) was painted on Friday. It's a cool green color picked out by Karen and me. We are planning on painting a huge mural on the final wall after we return from Hawaii. It only took about an hour to slather the walls with paint. When I finished covering my hands in paint, I felt a little ambitious and figured I'd put the crib together.

While I was trying to decide what pieces went where and why, I said to myself "Self, who is gonna change this baby's diapers?" Suddenly I started sweating. Was it the heat in the uncooled upstairs bedroom on a 88 degree day, or was it nerves? Only time will tell. I have a hard enough time picking up after two dogs without gaging, who by the way don't need wiping with a warmed baby wipe. That's another thing, who decided a baby needs warm wet-wipes?

I learned this week that there is actually a $30 contraption that warms baby wipes. I mean really !!! Is that necessary? That store was amazing, not in a WOW kinda of way, but more like "Is that really necessary?" I mean there were toys that were white noise generators, humidifies that filter air, and $300 breast pumps!!! Dang $300?! All you need is a shop-vac and some zip-lock bags. I'm surprised there wasn't a device that allowed men to breast feed when Mom is at work.

Hmmmm? I could get rich. All I need are some zip-lock bags, funnel, back pack straps, and the top of a bottle.
Hey I gotta go. There's some designing to do!

1 comment:

BK said...

You don't need the wipe warmer. The steam from the diapers will instanly warm up the wipes.