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Friday, August 3, 2007

Day Trip Continued

During our trip to the Big Island we stopped at the Macadamia Nut
but I didn't take any pictures of this place. We just sampled a few types of nuts, the chocolate covered were the best. I didn't know that these nuts are the hardest nuts to crack in the world.
Back in the day they used to place the nuts between two boards and then
drive a car up on the boards to crack them.

After the
Nut House, we traveled to Lava
Tree National Park
. Very cool park created when lava entered this wooded area and coated the 'Ōhi'a Trees. You can click on the link for a better explanation, I fell asleep when the tour guide gave us the rundown.

They have also been cutting down a lot of trees in this
area, trying to get rid of an infestation of a very tiny frog, called a Coqui that lives here.

Next to this park is a Bed
and Breakfast
for sale if anyone is interested.

We continued on to a city by the beach called Kalapana.
This was a very interesting place to stop. I wish we could have had more time to visit, there was so much to see and learn about the area. The town of Kalapana and is well known black sand beach, was destroyed by a lava flow in 1990.

Over a hundred homes were buried during this event. People can still claim the area as their own, but rebuilding right now is very difficult. There is no running water or electricity in this area, let alone any drivable roads. I would suggest reading up on the history of this area, it is very interesting. The USGS site linked here, has tons of information and photos of the area, and entire bay was filled in with lava. We were told how much new land was created during this event, but I forgot.

Hey that is your homework assignment to let me know how much land was added to the island, so I can post it here.

I've added a few of our pictures that are taken right in the lava field.

I'll finish up the day trip to Hawaii in the
morning, with our trip to the Kilauea Caldera. Wow what a
sight to see!!

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