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Monday, February 4, 2008

Stay Home Dad

My stint as a stay home Dad is over! Mama had to go make the bacon and I got to stay home. I was just starting to get in the grove and then it was over. Our journey started out kinda rough and I was worn out. I learned to have a bottle ready in the morning so Jamison wouldn't have to wait for the milk to thaw out. Man can he scream little man has some strong lungs!! I learned real fast the signs of him being tired and hungry and learned when he filled his diaper. I can't even begin to explain what that sounds like let alone smells like.

Around the end of the first week, we started watching Man Movies. We started out with a good action trilogy, The Matrix. I noticed that he started using his hands more trying to reenact the moves from the movie. He said he really, really, really, likes this actor. We then moved on to comedy and watched Big Daddy. He'll soon know how to do this. After that great comedy we moved to some action movies. He really enjoyed watching movies with this actress in them. We watched, 007, X-Men, Swordfish, and of course Catwoman. Mr. Hewitt told Jamison he should really watch Swordfish!!

Yes is was a good two weeks. I finally figured out how to get him to sleep well enough to take decent nap.If anyone tells you they wouldn't be a stay home Dad, they are crazy. Next time we are going to learn how to make Beer!!! Stay tuned...Nana is back from Arizona and will be hanging out with Jamison while we go back to work.

1 comment:

BK said...

Stay at home a heartbeat! Good Work!