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Sunday, March 30, 2008

House For Sale!

Arizona is the Bomb! It was around 85 degrees yesterday without a cloud in the sky! The mountain ranges are all around us, and the desert is in bloom. It doesn't look like it but it is. It's kinda weird seeing all this brown and patches of green here and there. The dessert Bougainvillea's are in bloom all over the sides of the roads. The Octillo are in bloom as well.

I took a picture off of the balcony last night of a mountain range in the distance. The shadows in the evening are pretty cool, the colors seem to change as the sun sets. There are no street lights in this retirement community and we should be able to see a lot of stars.

I saw this road runner this morning and I was lucky enought to get a few shots of it before it ran away. If you look close enough you will see it's breakfast hanging out of it's mouth. "Beep - Beep" Wile E. Coyote was no where to be found.

I also saw a woodpecker flying in and out of this cactus while Jamison and I were hanging out on the balcony. I am trying to get a shot of the male flying back to the nest.

This is just off of the balcony, ok just below the balcony. The noise put Jamison to sleep. Behind it is a hot tub and a pool. I'm 'bout to go get in it.

We tried Geocaching yesterday in the area and we found one item for sure. One of the cache's that I was looking for led me down a path in vegetated area. I heard Mom yell "Look out for snakes!" I turned around real quick and in a hurry!! I forgot that we were in the desert and have to look out for snakes, scorpions, and worst of all big-ass spiders!!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Hope you are all having a great time. It feels like the snow should be gone (or at least most of the new stuff) right about the time you get back. The pictures look great! Take care and enjoy the great outdoors.

- Kevin