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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Been too long

It's been 3 weeks since I updated the Blog and I've been catching you know what from Irene.

A quick update is all you're gonna get tonight. I need to download a lot of pictures and I'll do that later. First off Jamison has taught himself to roll over from his back onto his stomach. He really likes to do this at night, which wakes him up. We then get up and roll him onto his side. He likes to sleep on his side just like his Mama. He hasn't quite figured out how to get back onto his back.

Jamison is also sitting up and playing with toys. He's not quite sitting up on his own but he has moments where he can. He really enjoys being in his exersaucer as well. The dogs like it too, cuz they try to do a drive by lick. Newton does this more than Sadie, she just like to smell Jamison. Jamison is really noticing the dogs and usually reaches out and talks to them as they walk by.

What else...hmm Well Jamison likes to yell/talk to everyone. He has also stated to make bubble noises. That's not really explaining it well, so I'll have to post a video of him making the bubbles and getting spit everywhere. Karen had him on the phone last weekend talking to Papa and Dude. I wonder if the tickle flower was out. LOL

Karen has had me out walking. You know how much I hate walking. I think we walked 1o miles today. Jamison was in the backpack thing and he fell asleep. I'll post that picture later too. I hope you check back in a couple days to see the new pictures.


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