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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Check my schedule...I'm Busy!

As you can see Jamison is a busy guy. He started out this week with a day at the spa. He got to try out his Duck Tub last weekend. Good thing we tried it out when we did, he's almost too big for it now.

Everything goes into the mouth these days. Anything from toys to the dogs ears to food gets shoved in, no matter how big or small. We found out why last week. The Tooth Fairy came by and deposited a tooth which was practically stolen from some kid.

Here is the best shot I could get of "The Tooth".
He wasn't too happy about showing it off.

This is Jamison's first visit to Dairy Queen last Sunday. His friend Isabella was teaching him how to eat ice cream. Jamison didn't really care about the ice cream, he just wanted something to chew on to massage that Tooth. He also got to watch his first storm building on the horizon. His Daddy wanted to go storm chasing.

Isabella did a great job of modeling how to eat ice cream. I think she liked the cone better than the ice cream. I thought I saw Tim with and extra scoop of ice cream.

The next day Jamison got to meet his new friend Andrew. He was only a day old in this picture. Jamison was very gentle and reached out and touched his head. I hardly remember Jamison being this small. Andrew was born during the tornadoes and severe thunderstorms on Sunday. Everyone is fine and doing well, even his Daddy Kevin seen in this picture.

Sunday evening Jamison got yet another toy from Michelle. It is a Hwy Patrol costume. Jamison liked his helmet, and found something that would fit into his mouth right away. Looks like he is ready to ride with his Daddy on the R6, we just need some leathers now.

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