Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I know I know it's about time....

Well as you can see Jamison is growing up fast. We just had his 6 month check up on Tuesday. Yes he got more shots but only two this time, and he screamed and gave the nurses the stink eye. Dr. Burns tried to soften Jamison up by giving him a stuffed lion. Jamison looked at him as he usually does and just stared at him. He weighs 18 lbs 10 oz, which places him at about the 50th percentile and he is 28.5 inches long which places him at the 93rd percentile. He's gonna be a tall one.

We took this picture the other day introducing Jamison to the world of Generic goods. These bootleg bubbles were from Walgreens and were pretty bad. This shot was taken just at the right moment as the bubbles passed right in front of Jamison's face.

A lot has been going on since our last post almost a month ago. Let's see where shall we start.
Jamison has figured out how to roll from his back to his stomach, he can put his pacifier in his mouth by himself (you can see him with two in his mouth in the slide show to follow), he sits up on his own, can stand with assistance for a long time, eats almost everything, makes a spitting noise and wets up everything, clicks, kicks, gets mad when he sees a bottle and it's not coming toward him, calls out to the dogs, does push-ups on his own, very recently started sticking out his tounge, and lastly best of all sleeps longer than two hours at night.

I'm going to manipulate the posts and put a slide show on the blog prior to this blog. So scroll down and see many more pictures of Jamison. I'm using Picturtrail because it saves on memory using it.

I'm going to start posting twice a week that's a little ambitious at least once a week is do-able.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are doing a great job in keeping up with your blog! I wish my "blog master" would do a better job keeping up with ours. He is getting SO big. Eden is only 21 inches long and 12 months. WOW! He is going to be a big boy. The WING DING is coming up!!!! See you soon.
Marni, Ryan ("blog master"), and Eden