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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Swiming Lessons~ Days 1 & 2

Jamison started swimming lessons two weeks ago. We are taking the class at the Courage Center in G.V. The water is 90+ degrees there. It feels like bath water. Karen and I both got in the water with Jamison the first week. Jamison loved the water, he started splashing right away.

If you've been around him enough you know the look he gets when he's concentrating and trying to figure something out. Most of the other babies were laughing and giggling and Jamison had this look like...Hmmmm what is this!?

The class was interesting to say the least, not really what I had in mind for swimming lessons. The entire class we sang songs, bounced around, spun, splashed and blew bubbles. Not quite what I expected. Jamison enjoyed the class, that's all that counts. Check out Jamison practicing to be a surfer dude!!!

If you have had the opportunity to swim with a baby you know they have to wear these high priced swim diapers. Karen told me they come off interestingly enough. I'll let you know next week.

Wow look at this neat toy!!!

I can float!!

Nana and Mr. Willie came to
swim lessons last week.

Class was kinda dull this week.
Our original teacher was not with
us this week. This new teacher
said that it was ok to dunk them
under water.I don't think I have a
picture but I was scolded dearly
for dunking him too far under water. Jamison objected as well.
It took me a while to calm him down again.

Notice how Jamison held on
after I had dunked him.

This is how we
practice kicking.

See you next week!!

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