Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hi everyone!! My Daddy is busy getting ready for some football thing, so I'm putting in the pictures I want. Here I am eating my favorite food...who am I kidding I like all food!! You can see the Cheerio in my hand. They are quite good!!

Here I am practicing my sign
language. I ate up all those
Cheerio's and I'm asking
for more. I'm glad Mom and
Dad finally figured out what I
was saying. I was signing
it for weeks and getting nothing.

I signed for cracker this time and I got it!!
I got to feed my self this time...can you tell?

I went on a little drive
after I ate.It helps relax
me after a big meal. I was
tailing the dogs but they
ditched me in the hallway.

Newton likes to give me kisses in the morning!
Sometimes he cleans my face when Mom and
Dad turn around. I've even learned to sneak
Newton some Cheerio's in the morning too.
Sadie is too short to reach me, she misses out.

I gotta run. I'm thirsty and I need to find my Mom so
I can sign for Milk. Next time you come check me out
you can see me crawling around and maybe I'll show
you my toy box!!

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