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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Teeth Teeth and more Teeth

Jamison is getting all of his teeth at one time, which we can't
understand. Don't most babies get two on the top and bottom
for a while so they can learn to bite everything? Or could it
be that Jamison likes to eat everything, and I mean everything.

In the morning he'll eat his breakfast, starting with a healthy serving of Cheerios.
Topping off the Cheerios with cereal and fruit. If he is at NaNa and Gran-Dad's house he gets a bottle of formula as well. After he eats his breakfast, I usually have Karen and my(?) breakfast done, and Jamison will eat again....It's called Second Breakfast.

More than likely he is signing
for "more" in this picture. He is
getting good at his baby sign
and has started modifying
signs for himself.

Anyway back to the teeth. We can visibly count 5 or 6 teeth in his mouth. Two on top and three maybe 4 on the bottom. There are about 4 more that are trying to poke through and signs of swollen gums.

Here we are eating pizza for
breakfast. Emm Emm good.

Next time you come back you'll see how Jamison and Mr. Willie take "Floor Naps".

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