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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We no longer lock our doors!!

I knew the title would get ya. You're probable saying to yourself...."Self, what the heck are the Adams' doing now?" Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllll we had a little excitement a few weekends ago.

It all started when we had one of these at the house.
Isn't it cute? All fuzzy wuzzy and soft and cuddly!!
It can sit on the shelf and not make a mess at all.

No that's not quite it.
We had one of these at the house....

Yes this little not so cute critter came to visit us one evening.
And because of this visitor we no longer lock the doors. Why you ask? Well let me tell you what happened when we got home one night.

As usual when we get home we let Newton and Sadie out to handle their business. Jamison was chillin in his high chair eating his favorite, Cheerios, and I went to the little boys room. Before I could close the door I heard Karen screaming bloody murder. Kinda like Zena did on that B-rated TV show. I ran downstairs, said Hi to Jamison and ran outside. I get to the garage where I hear Karen yelling at Sadie to stop. I can't tell what she, Sadie, is doing. But all of a sudden Newton joins in. My first thought was that they had another cat. Karen said "No it's a raccoon!" At first Sadie was in the garden chasing something, Newton got frantic and charged into the garden too, He had to protect his Sis! All of a sudden they crash through the fence and into the driveway in the alley.

So Sadie and Newton have this raccoon all tangled up in the morning glory vines. Now I can't see the raccoon in the tangled mess, but I can see Sadie and Newton attacking something. All of a sudden out of the corner of my quick eye, I see Karen raise something over her head and slam it down on the wriggling mass in the vines.

Time stopped. For a second I look up, jump back and say "Daaaaaannnnnng". You gotta draw that out for effect. My little Huntress cracked that raccoon in the head in order to protect her family. I have a faint recollection of Karen yelling out "You're not gonna get my dogs!!" Ok not really.

The dogs are still going after the raccoon and I can hear it hissing, the neighbors have now come out to see what the hell is going on. I think they are scared of Karen. I grabbed Sadie and threw her into the back of Karen's car. Newton is still going at it and I'm trying to figure out how to not get bit by either of them. I grabbed Newton by his back leg and dragged him towards the house to get him inside. His whole mouth covered in blood, he tries to bite me. Eventually we got the dogs inside and cleaned up. It looked worse than it was. Sadie didn't have a scratch on her, and Newton had a few scrapes and scratches on him. The raccoon, if you're wondering ran off down the alley. I doubt we'll see it again.

So if you're in the neighborhood looking for a house to bust careful! You may end up with your head split open and two dogs all over you like stink on.....hush you mouth...but I'm talkin 'bout Shaft!!!


BK said...

Why not include the picture of the shovel used in the altercation? That would add effect!

I'm calling PETA on your whole family. I'm Jamison was in on this too.

Kevin said...

The picture is priceless. I would also like to post in our classroom for effect.

Bring on PETA...I think they should have the joy of mediating between Karen and the assailant.