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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Katies Corner

Jamison started his new Daycare on Monday. He has stopped going to Nana and Grand-Dad's house for the most part. Luckily they are only a hop, skip and a jump away from us. That is until they fly south for the winter. Somebody should clip those wings!!!

Anyway, Monday morning Karen, Jamison and I got up at the crack of dawn to go to Katie's. Jamison didn't really know what was going on, he just knew he was in the car. Karen was good no tears were seen, although she wasn't happy about leaving him there by himself. When we got there we saw Jamison's buddy Ian pulling up in the car. Ian jumped out of the car, left the door open and ran to see ME, or was it to see Jamison. Either way he dissed his Dad, that's what's important!!!

Jamison had a cubbie all ready for him with his name on it. We took off our shoes and headed
down to the play room. Jamison saw the cats in the house and immediately was drawn to them. He started signing for dog and meowing like a cat. I figure he'll have the correct sign for cat down pretty soon.

Once we got to the basement it was all over, he forgot about Karen and me and started playing with the toys and other kids. Karen asked Ian to look after Jamison and Ian smiled and said he would. I don't know where is Dad

Jamison made friends real fast. While he was distracted we pulled ourselves away and left in the care of Katie.

It was weird leaving little man there after him being with Nana and Gran-Dad for so long. I'm not sure how Karen was in the car, we drove two cars, but she said she was ok.

Little man had a blast the first day. He got to go on a field trip and play and most of all eat. Man can he eat. We have to be careful with his food right now, cuz he's allergic to milk....go figure.

1 comment:

BK said...

My kid is totally better at playing than your kid. Katie said so.

Ian told me he is showing Little J. the ropes.

Isn't the sleeping nice when they go on field trips. Exhausted!