Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, July 15, 2007

So you might ask what this blog is all about.

Well it's two fold.
1. I love making beer, drinking beer, and judging beer.
2. More importantly Karen is brewing our first child aka "Sam Adams".

Yes indeed Mama is six months along and showing just a bit. She thinks she's HUGE, but she's not!! She looks like she has a cantaloupe in her belly. She is due November 5th, and we're NOT going to find out what the gender will be. Karen wants a boy so she won't have to learn how to braid hair or something like that. I say dread it either way. Boy or Girl I don't care the hair will be dreaded. (Is that a word?)

We are hitting all the garage sales looking for good deals on baby stuff. We have found some good things but now we are running out of room to store it all. We need "Sam's" room painted ASAP. I guess i'm talking to myself

I got to feel the baby kicking a few weeks ago and that was pretty WILD!! Mama also pulled her shirt tight so we could see the kicks, pokes, twirls, flips and what ever else is going on in there. I tried talking through the belly to ask "Sam" what is going on in there, but I got no answer. I tried calling on my cell phone but I don't know the number. Ok I'm babbling so I'm going to end our first post and send it out.

Come back often and see what is new, or what new beers were tried.
Did I mention I Judged for Sam Adams in May? More on that later.


Jennifer and Kevin said...

I like beer. Beer is good - it makes me smile.

Jennifer and I are real excited about that new brew of yours. I imagine a new beer label ... Sam Adams with dreads! If you want some help desigining it, let me know. Question: When mama pulls her T-shirt tight, can you see the dread nubs yet? Maybe you can post a picture for us so we can do some of own judging.

This is great, I guess I have to create one too (a blog). This is the second one I have been invited to this week. It must be what all the kids are doing these days. Well, that's just neat.

I'll be reading so tell me somethin'.



BK said...

I would argue that this blog is "dreaded." In that I dreaded reading what Adams wrote.

I can't wait to see the "new" Sam Adams label. As for talking to yourself, it's just like teaching!

I'll drink to that!