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Monday, August 20, 2007

Beer Event

Wow what a busy weekend full of malty, hoppy, effervescent goodness.

But wait, how is Karen? Well she is doing fine and gaining some weight. I won't tell you how much. She would kill me if I did. Sam seemed to grow like crazy in the Hawaiian sun, hmmm maybe we should move there.

I think she is getting some crazy contractions lately though. I can't remember the real name of them, but they are not the contractions that would signal that Sam is ready to PARTY. Dr. Mom reported that these are called Braxton Hick's contractions.

I'm so glad that Karen's migraines that she experienced in the first and second trimester are gone. Now she only has the regular headaches brought on by me.
Hey, that's my job!!

We went and registered at Target Boutique on Sunday. How many bottles and nooks are you supposed to buy? And how do you know if one is better than the other? Are baby bottles and water bottles made from the same plastic? If they are, are we not supposed to refill them like they are saying on the news? And how many one-z's are we supposed to buy? I still don't know who is changing diapers!!!
Man I need a beer!!

Wait a minute I started out talking about beer.
This past weekend was the first round of the State Fair Homebrew Competition. I got to judge on Friday evening and all day on Saturday. You might be asking yourself..." many beers is that?" Of course yourself can't answer that so I will. On Friday I judged two session each session had 9 to 10 beers to judge. But we don't drink the whole bottle. Half of the bottle needs to be saved just in case it is need later for the final round this Saturday at the State Fair. Sunday I got to taste 30 more beers in 3 sessions. Most of the beers were ok, but when you have to match the beer to a style guideline, then the beers become ok. Most of them would have been very good if we could just drink them to drink them.

By the way if you have time come out the State Fair and see Karen and I in the parade. We will be on a "float" well not really a float. We will be on the Pedal Pub. Not sure what that is well click on the link and see. We need someone to be there so we can get a picture up on our blog.

Sorry no pictures this time. I've been harassed to get another post up.
(Did you know that the word harassed has the word ass in it?)



Poundkeys said...

Er, don't do the nuks. Bad habit.

'Course I'm a younger cousin in Flori-duh, so you may not want to listen. But the boy hasn't suffered from not having them.

Miss you guys. Glad you made it out of Hawaii OK.

Miss you much. Make sure we get to see photos of your baby. :)

BK said...

Yeah, no nuks. Target Boutique...sounds fancy. As for bottles, one is plenty. No two, one for the car and one for home. That's it. Do you have a dishwasher? Yeah, Bryon. Okay, your all set.

Don't get me started on one-z's. I say don't buy any. Just more snaps to mess with. Oh, Snap!