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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, August 26, 2007

MN State Fair

We had a great day at the the State Fair on Saturday. We stayed a lot longer than we thought we would.

We got to the Fair just in time to hear who the winners were for the Homebrew Competition. Just don't ask I can't remember. Afterward we walked over to the Pedal Pub and jumped on. The Pub was a hit at the fair. People were pointing, shaking their head in disbelief, and laughing at our singing. Al has a radio hooked up in the pub, providing music when we weren't singing.

We could only serve root-beer on the pub, unless we all wanted special tickets from the MAN. I know you're wondering why root-beer. Well the State of MN has not given them the license needed to serve beer yet. So we had root-beer instead. To everyone in the crowd it looked like beer. We didn't take pictures but I'll get one soon. No we didn't make Karen pedal. There are some seats that you don't pedal at all.

We, well I was super hungry after pedaling. Soooooo what did I do? I ate!! I had a Cajun sausage, cookies and milk, pretzel, turkey leg, and a beer. I had a tummy ache that night, I wonder why. Karen did a good job at eating too, just not as much as I had. I didn't get to the cheese curds, foot long hot dogs, or the fried candy bars on a stick. Maybe next time.

MAN, I can never get away from past students. While on the pedal pub I heard some voices calling out Mr. Adams...Mr. Adams... I looked and there was a group of students I had two years ago. Later that evening we ran into two more students that I had my first year of teaching. Brandon and Jay were in my 4Th grade class that year and now they are in their second year of college. They were out talkin' to that ladies I think. Karen also knew them back then, and even had Jay's brother and sister in her class.

We headed out after that, we were getting tired and stuff.

The 2007 NFL season will be starting soon. I had a draft last Monday, one today, and one next weekend. The league that drafted today is pretty cool. Karen is part of it, Mom and Dad, Kim and Tim, the Cookies, and 3 other people from Cityview. I can't wait until Sept. 7th. Did I mention I won last year? I think this year will be a repeat season!!!

I'll let that last statement hang out there and sign off!


BK said...

Cajun Sausage...umm...well...

If you go back to the fair, I recommend the all you can drink milk booth. $1. Ice cold chocolate milk all day.

Sorry to hear about your tummy ache.

justasideffect said...

It sounds like you had a great time at the Fair! It is one of Chad's fondest memories of MN.

Sounds like Sam and Karen are doing well!!