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Thursday, August 9, 2007

An Eight Hour Tour!!

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of an awesome trip
That started from this tropic port,
Aboard this Turbo Charged Ship.

The mate was a mighty fishing man,
The Skipper not aboard,
Five passengers set sail that day
For an eight hour tour.

An eight hour tour. [ sound of conch horns and Luau's ]

The weather started getting hot,
The tiny ship was tossed.
If not for the courage of the fearless crew,
The Fishing would be lost.

The Fishing would be lost.

The captain took us out,
28 miles or so in hunt of Blue Marlin
With Omar, and Captain Joe,
Mr. Willie and his wife,
A movie star (not really Vern), the Professor Adams and his chumming can,
( All ) Here on Capt. Joe's Ride!

So this is the tale of our fishing day,
They're out for a long, long time
They'll have to make the best of things,
Thanks to some Dramamine.

The Captain Joe and Omar too,
Did their very best,
To get us on some big o' fish,
Before the end of the quest.

There was beer, water, pop and food!
All the luxuries,
Unlike Robinson C-ru-soe, it's as lush as can be.
So join us here in two years my friends,
You're sure to get a smile,
Maybe next time we'll catch some fish*,
Here on "Oahu Isle."

*Omar did catch a Bonita also called a Skip Jack Tuna

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