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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cloth or Not to Cloth....that is the question.

Hmmm...The thought of cloth diapers has now become part of our discussion today. Not sure what we'll do until some further research is done. Found a few sites to access to help with the research.

Bum Genius ~ Bum

G Diaper ~ "G"

Fuzzi Bunzs ~ Fuzzi



BK said...

Who wants to carry the smelly diaper home from the mall, beer tasting, play date, etc.? I vote no dice on cloth diapers, at least away from home.

Bryon said...

Who asked you by the way?!!

BK said...

Ya know what...I try to give one tiny bit of honest baby advice...I hope your baby pees on you!

BK said...

Comment moderation...Oh, you can slow me down but you can't stop me.