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Sunday, September 9, 2007

What's In A Name?

Let's talk names.
What is a name?
Who made names?
Do I like your name?
What should I call you?

Here's what I found when I searched the word "name":
Generally a name is a label for a noun - a person, place or thing. More specifically a name is a label for a specific person, place or thing.

So how do you decide on the perfect name? Karen and I have rummaged through a book of 10,000 names. It's become kinda stressful and at the same time funny. So boys and girls, let's look at some names.

You got your three or four letter, one syllable names like Jim, Jack, Tim, Joe, Ron, and Ben. Simple and easy to spell. The main reason Ben K. has his name.

Then you have your snobby, should run for office names like Blake, Muffy, Jeoffrey (my cousins boyfriends name), Kip, Clay and Lillith. They grow up being all stuck up and boring. People then change their name to "Biatch" or "Ass". Just saying the name gives me the gas face. You know, the face you make when someone farts!

Some people try to be creative by combining two names or 15+ letters to make something crazy. More like ghetto-fabulous or from being drugged during birth. Half the time its unpronounceable. People create names like Tantrika, Shanika, Orangejello, and Lemenjello. The list could go on and on. My second Mom was going to write a book at one time of these appalling, vile, heinous names.

One of the worst names I had while in the classroom was "Thong"! I almost died laughing. There was no way I was calling that name out during attendance. Turned out the h was silent. Then why put an extra letter it in there?! It just makes me mad....again!!

There ought to be a law about stuff like that. How is a first grader supposed to spell his/her name when they don't know if they are being called a dessert or an insect. How would you like being called Tarantula? (I'm out!!) I've even heard of a family calling everyone Queen, with a different middle name! You might be scratching your head wondering what the heck I'm talking about. So I'll give you an example. Kid #1 Queen Nefertti, Kid #2 Queen Nefertari, Kid #3 Queen Amadala. Someone should be slapped for coming up with this one. How are you going to sign a check with Queen Yo' Mama on it?

Should a kid's name be decided on by the way it rolls off your tongue? Like Mario, or Fernando. You have to roll the "R" to know what I mean. Are you supposed to research the name to see if it fits with the kid? Not like you have a lot of time to figure that out. Do you think when you say a name it makes you feel a certain way, like Nookie which by the way rhymes with Dookie. (lol I'm too funny)

I think we are going to have to pick names that don't remind us of past students. It's going to be difficult, we've had a lot of students. Some of which I'd like to forget like....Ashanti

Hit us up with ideas for some names. Maybe we'll be able to pick one before the baby comes.


Mom2Rats said...

Easy....S-A-M. Done! :)
The room looks great - and Key looks fabulous!

Mom2Rats said...

aah - doh - KAY

The Geek said...

Hahahahahaaa. Orangejello is the perfect name.

How about...LIMEJELLO!

BK said...

I'm just honored to be mentioned in the post. I'm right up there with Queen Amadala (yeah, baby) and Lemonjello. *tears of happiness*

My cousin's little boy wanted to name his sister-to-be "Marshmellow." Works for a boy or a girl.

And, I'm no dumy. Married a 3 letter name (Amy) and named the son 3 letters (Ian).

I would vote for Gomez or Fester as the perfect Adams name.