Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, October 15, 2007

It's Me!!!!!

Hey Peeps!!

Knock Knock......Sam......Sam Adams. (I learned that from Martha, I gotta work on my punch lines.)

I got some pictures taken of me on Tuesday and I was the bomb!! I posed for the camera real nice. I got my hair done just in time too. I even put my hand in my mouth a couple of times. I was going to give a certain person, who won't be named the finger, but I thought he might feel honored. I think they got a shot of my feets as well. For some reason they were real focused on my heart. So I pumped it real fast just to show off. I have my heart rate monitor on so I know my HR was 143 bpm. I heard the Dr. say 143 too, do you think he saw my monitor?

I was messing with the Dr. and moved around quite a bit just to make things difficult. I think he knows my gender though, but don't tell my aunt. She's a bit engrossed with what I am. Like I said I'm giving no hints until my Birthday. Did i mention I don't like cake? Well unless its Rum cake of course. My Birthday has been moved up to November 2nd, but I'll make no promises. I might not want to come out of here. Why would I? It's warm, I get fed all the time, and I can sleep whenever I want. Maybe I'll come out of here though. I hear there is lots to do on the "outside".

Well I'm gonna sign out for now. I have some more growing to do. I have an estimation on my weight but I plan on growing a little more. What do you think I'll weigh?

Sorry the amnio fluid is interfering with me posting pictures. I hope to get it figured out soon.


Mom2Rats said...

Nice to hear from you Sam - I can't wait to meet you!

justasideffect said...

OMG, little Sam is almost done!!

I can't wait to see pictures!

Virginia, Chad

Bryon said...

Thanks Cuz!!!

Hope things are well in Hurricane Alley.

Hi Mathias!!!

Sam I am!

JUMPS said...

Where is Sam? Sam I am! Where did Sam get his/her name?

BK said...

I do not like Green Eggs & Ham, "Sam I am." Maybe Sam is a vegetarian already. Go Veggies!!! Oh, maybe Sam is a vegan. No eggs. Of course, who likes green eggs?

To stop green eggs, use a lemon juice. Lemon juice keeps everything fresh. And let me tell you, you will need something to keep things fresh whe those dirty diapers start coming. I don't know if lemon juice will help that but it can't hurt.

Let's get back to veggies!!!! Go Sam!