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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, October 22, 2007

Where is "Sam"?

We're still waiting patiently for Sam to decide it's time to "Head Out" ha ha ha. That is funny!!

In the mean time we've continued organizing and readying the room. Special thanks to Dr. Mom for washing and folding tons of stuff. (I wonder if she'll wash all the diapers each week too?) While we were putting away the clothes we couldn't believe how small the clothes were especially the socks. We've got our changing organizer thingy attached to the wall for easy access to the diapers, creams, wipes and all that other stuff that will be needed. (Yikes)

While were putting all the stuffed animals, rattles and noisy things away, the dogs were underfoot smelling and staring at all the stuff. Newton got hold of a stuffed frog and was off to the couch to chew it up. I caught him before he hit the stairs and took it away. Sadie sits and cocks her head to the side when the mobile is turned on in the crib. This is going to be interesting when the baby arrives.

We went to Target last week and got some more crib sheets and changing table sheets. I can't remember what else we bought, it's becoming a blur. Oh we did get a diaper Genie. I'm hoping when you rub the side of it a Genie pops out and changes the diapers.

Do you remember this bottle?
You should if you were born prior to 1975 or you have the TV Land channel.

If you are bored on a Saturday night check out the Minnesota Rollergirls.
Don't laugh I've been twice and its awesome. Tim liked it too!!
Lead Jammer!!!!


Mr. Knaus said...

Best advice we got when having a baby: Before you bring Sam home, bring a blanket from the hospital home for the dogs to smell. I thought it was wierd but did it. Rugby investigated the blanket and we were able to say "no" to her., dumb as she is, she caught on pretty quick.

Making like a tree and leaving.

Mom2Rats said...

Where are you Sam???? I am getting impatient! - But then again - you knew that!
Can't wait to meet you!
your VERY excited auntie