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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Jamison or Jameson?

Wow Jamison is 5 days old now and we've been busy to say the least. Two very interesting things have happened since then. Our good friends Tim and Peter helped celebrate in their own special way.

Tim snuck some beer into the hospital and we had a celebratory drink. I've included two pictures that show that special moment. I really like the picture of Tim and I with our kids. Wow I never would have dreamed we would be taking a picture like this. The second picture speaks for its self.

I don't remember this happening.
It almost makes me wanna cry.
So beautiful!!

Just last night Peter came buy with a little gift. It started out with two outfits for Jamison which we can't wait to try on him. The gifts continued with a little "sumthin-sumthin" that you saw at the top of this post.

Peter brought over a very nice bottle of 12 year "Jameson" Irish Whiskey. Of course we had to sample it, neither of us have ever had it. I'm going to save this bottle for Jamison to have a drink with his Dad when he is 21. Wow that is a long way off. I better find a good hiding spot. Did I mention that it was pretty good.

Thanks a ton Tim and Peter!!!


BK said...

Is there a picture of the towel rod? That's what really matters! Good work, Tim!

Anonymous said...

Dear Karen and Bryon,

I love your blog, it’s so much fun to stay in touch with your new experiences as parents! Tim did me proud, a Negra Modelo no less! Glad to see we are teaching Bella well!! And Bryon 21 will be before you know it, savor the moments, life speeds up!!

Enjoy the journey!
