Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Night Before "Birthday"

'Twas the night before Due Date, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The clothes were all hanging, by the hangers so small,
In hopes that soon Sam would make a call.

The dogs were all nestled all snug in our bed,
While visions of dog treats danced in their heads.
And Mamma in her 'jammas, and I in my shorts,
Had just settled down for some really loud snores.
When all of sudden I sat up with a start,
Oh...excuse me.... forget about it, it's just a little fart.

Away to the bathroom I flew like a flash,
Tore open the door and busted my a$.
The clock on the wall said quarter past five,
I know it's gonna be damn cold outside.
I wondered back to bed and the clock said quarter past four,
I guess I forgot to turn that clock back, like they said on channel 4?

As I lay on the pillow drifting off to sleep,
I start to wonder will Sam look like Karen or cute just like ME!!!

No news yet.
We are both getting anxious and we'll be sure to let everyone know as soon as something happens.
Thanks for all the phone calls this weekend.


BK said...

First off, at the end of the third stanza, you rhymed "four" with "4." That is simply unacceptable.

Second, we are all praying that Sam looks like Karen.

Much love,
Auntie K-naus

Anonymous said...

LOL, I know how Karen feels. Eden's due date came and went. Just keep thinking fun thoughts about the beautiful human being you two will have soon. I am so glad you made it to the bathroom Brian. I can't wait to meet Sam. Good luck with everything.
Marni, Ryan, and Eden

The Dork said...

Who knew you were so literary? Also, is anyone surprised that Bryon Adams NTCR included a fart in a poem?

Hope you are well, good thoughts to all.

Bryon, It's been said that the little Action Jackson can get the party started. Hmmmmm, strange how the same act that got you into this predicament is the same thing that can help end the first stage of it.

Bryon said...

Hey hey hey!!
Easy boy this is a family show!!

Anonymous said...

Waiting for news... The Three Amigos are all looking forward to have thier Bike Buddy back on the road,...looking forward to the burley! Stay strong and healthy.

Fred, Jim, Denny