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Thursday, December 20, 2007

It's a small world...

Well after an awful, waste of time meeting this morning. I go to the local coffee shop to drown my anger in some caffeine. As I sit down and send out my email to a teammate back in the office. I decide to look on Ebay to see if I can find out how much the bottles of Darkness were sold for.

I'm cruising through Ebay land and find new posts for Darknes with starting bids of $225, when I hear over my shoulder. " You looking for the Darkness?" I turn around and I am face to face with the Omar the owner of Surly Brewing. Of course I jump up and frisk him for more beer and shake his hand. I inform him that I was trying to find out how much the bottles of Darkness went for from Saturday. Get this the final bid was $475 for one 750mL bottle. My jaw fell open.

We chatted for a while and went on our ways.
Wow $475 for a bottle of beer. I'm going to have to buy a safe to keep Tim, Ben and Vern out of my stash!!!

1 comment:

BK said...

You can run but you can't hide!!!