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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ewwww those sneaky nurses!!

They got him, those mean nurses shot up little man!!! I wasn't there but Mama told me all about what those mean'ole nurses did. Mama had to wait for several hours to see the Dr. due to a stupid press conference. She gave some baby Tylenol to Jamison to help him maintain his cool, collected, laid back composure.

Well the nurses came strolling down the hall like an old Western movie. They had their syringes drawn and loaded, yes I said syringes. Four of them to be exact. They kicked in the door like they were MIB's, DEA, FBI, or some middle school kid locked out of the room!

When they got in the room Karen was glad that there were two nurses to help out. "Oh no", they said, "this is a group effort, you get to hold him and we inflict the PAIN"!! Little man looked at the two nurses and cursed in his own baby language, kinda sounds like a fart. Anyway the nurses made Karen hold Jamison's hands up so he wouldn't punch them in the mouth like Corey Cox. Then the nurses swooped in with those four daggers like mosquitoes on the 4th of July. Jamison yelled like there's no tomorrow. The rest is history, but we had a very long night and two very sore, swollen legs.

I think I have to take him to get his next shots. But I'm fighting back!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is Jamison always acting like such a little baby? Take your shots like a man!
From: Louie "The Man" Cook