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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm Addicted To Waffle House

I love Waffle House!!!
While in Orlando last week with 'Nay and John, we went to the glorious Waffle House every morning for breakfast!! We even mixed it up a little and hit three different sites. It's the greasiest of the greasy spoons!! Micky's Diner in St. Paul has nothing on the W.H.

Our first stop was this nasty after thought of a restaurant. It seemed that someone thought that a Waffle House should be slapped onto the side of an existing building. I wish I would have gotten a picture. We pulled into the joint and had to place our names on a waiting list. Amazing!!! I guess it was partly due to it being the start of the NASCAR season at Daytona.

We got seated fairly quickly and the entertainment started immediately. Orders were being yelled out loud, employees were fighting one minute and slapping each other on the boo-tay the next minute. The menus are the best! Sticky, slimy, greasy, dirty, simply two sided, full of pictures (for nonreaders), sliced, diced, smothered, stacked, and lastly laminated!!!! If you've never been to one; it is a must!!! Even you K-Nas!! Every day I ordered a pecan waffle and it was FIERCE!! I also had hash browns, bacon (go figure) and sometimes and egg.

On Tuesday, the third morning at Waffle House, we decided that the three of us should be the Waffle House police. We'll get our own WH badges, special priority seating, tetanus shots, and a prescription for Lipitor. I think without it our veins would be flowing with butter. lol
We'd travel the South ranking them and making sure the waffles are up to par. It's gotten so bad now that I've found a recipe for Waffle House waffle batter. I'm trying it out this weekend!

What ever happened to the sister stores Huddle House, Omelet House, and Pancake House?

1 comment:

BK said...

I'm honored! I got two mentions in that blog post.

First, kinda a vague reference but I caught it: non-readers-that has to be me or maybe Kirby.

Second, K-Nas. I shed a tear.

I'm coming over for your homemade WH waffles and a pint of Darkness on Saturday. Then we can schedule a double on the open heart surgery.