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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, February 22, 2008

Jamison's Happy Day

Jamison has his Nana wrapped around his tiny finger. We get a report of Jamison's day when we pick him up in the afternoon. Here is a typical day. First a picture!!

Ok so his day is as follows....

10:00 Arrived smiling in car seat
10:15 6 1/2 oz milk, Wow I was hungry
11:00 4 minutes Tummy Time on changing table, and book time.
12:00 3 oz of milk
12:15 Sleepy time in my crib
1:50 Up for the afternoon
2:00 2 oz of milk
2:30 Vitamin D time in sunshine and looking at my Nana. Nana said not to worry the sun was not in my eyes.
2:45 Music appreciation and talking to Nana and talking to Grandad on the phone. I will know his voice when I meet him again. I played with my pink pig too.
4:00 1 oz of milk.

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