Lesson 1 for my friend Ben...
Mommy and check out
the women behind you.
Make quick eye contact
out of the corner of your
up and giving 'em a huge
smile with only two

weird pink thing, maybe it was
supposed to be a pig. Jamison wasn't
quite sure what it was supposed to be.
He was alright for a quick minute,
but he freaked for a second.
When he turned around this
huge bear was right behind
him. He wasn't sure about
that either.
Jamison was knocked out by the time we got home.
He must have had fun!!

Oh my gosh you two...Jamison is SOOOOOO cute! I had to take a break from writing my research paper, and thoroughly enjoyed the update. Keep 'em coming!!!
Um...Kirby said she was working on a paper. Ha, busted.
Jamison is adorable. Ian won't go near any big character things. Scared to messy diapers.
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