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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jamison in the minor league

Hey ya'll!! Jamison went to his first baseball game on Friday evening! Our good neighbor Michelle had some extra tickets to the Saint's game so we all went to check out the Saints. We sat out in right field next to the foul line. Luckily no foul balls came our way. We had the sun in our eyes until late in the 7th inning.

Then we got to see the game. The next picture is a picture of what our eyes looked like after looking into the sun for so long.

Jamison couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the eyes. This is his typical look when he is trying to figure something out.

Jamison was sporting his sun hat at the game as well. He didn't bring his shades to the game. It was ok though he didn't need them to flirt with all the ladies all around him. Some day he'll teach his friend Ben how to flirt.

Lesson 1 for my friend Ben...

Pretend you are hugging your
Mommy and check out
the women behind you.

Make quick eye contact
out of the corner of your

Seal the deal by jumping
up and giving 'em a huge
smile with only two

It was a beautiful night at the game. The storm that came through earlier that evening was no where to be seen. The Saints got 7 hits by the 7th inning so everyone got a coupon for free ribs at Chili's. I even got one for Jamison.

When we left the game we saw this
weird pink thing, maybe it was
supposed to be a pig. Jamison wasn't
quite sure what it was supposed to be.
He was alright for a quick minute,
but he freaked for a second.

When he turned around this
huge bear was right behind
him. He wasn't sure about
that either.

Jamison was knocked out by the time we got home.
He must have had fun!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh you two...Jamison is SOOOOOO cute! I had to take a break from writing my research paper, and thoroughly enjoyed the update. Keep 'em coming!!!


BK said...

Um...Kirby said she was working on a paper. Ha, busted.

Jamison is adorable. Ian won't go near any big character things. Scared to messy diapers.