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Monday, July 28, 2008

Miami Days 3+4

Hey guys it's Nay here! Well, Bry is knocked out drunk by the pool,
so I'm taking over. I just hope he doesn't drown!

We've been having fun down here in Doral (yes, the city) and I figured we should catch y'all up on what's been goin' down.

On Sunday we were supposed to go to Parrot Jungle Island but we thought it was going to rain so we stayed at the resort instead. Jamison was looking for me when I was in the other room.

He found me behind him.

We just hung out all day pretty much and went down to Bayside, this little outdoor mall thing. Jamison rode his first Carousel.

We also went to the Hard Rock Cafe but Jamison didn't seem to like the noise very much.

Bry and I watched some FAMILY FEUD.
Well, we didn't actually watch it...we just made fun of people's clothes and hair. Like, seriously we saw a whole family with the same haircut. It was neat-o. And that was me trying to be 90s.

Today (Monday) we got to go to Parrot Jungle Island. (See slide show above)
Jamison had a blast! He got to feed some parrots and pet some kangaroos. He even saw a liger. We came back just in time to go on our tour of Cuban cuisine. We went to a place down the road and had our first real taste of Cuban food. Jamison loved it! He tried all kinds of food and really liked the fried plantins. We also brought home enough food to feed a small army.

1 comment:

BK said...

Hi Nay!

Great to see someone with some actual writing skills take over the blog. I just figured Daddy Adams was constantly drunk when writing.

Sounds like you guys are having blast. When you get back, Jamison has to talk to Ian about eating. I like it if he ate more than noodles, grapes and hot dogs.