Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Jamison got his first taste at sledding on New Years Day!!!!
Here we are after a few times down the hill.

It was a beautifull partly sunny 17 degree
day. We wrapped in layers upon layers in
order to brave the frigid winds. You can
see Jamison was ready for anything. We
even got him to keep his gloves on. It's
a first.

Jamison just saw his friend Isabella
in this shot. You can see how warm
I am. My eyes hurt from being so
cold. Ok just kidding.

Jamison and Bella had it easy getting
up the hill. Bella had these crazy spider
gloves on and Tim had her chase me
with those things. Who needs friends?

Jamison got tired of sitting up so he
lounged out on Bella. She didn't really
dig the idea of him laying on her though.
See those spiders??? Even her had has
spiders. "Lean back"

At last!!! We're at the top and all
ready to go. Jamison, Karen, Bella,
Kin and those spiders!!!! Ewwww

Jamison was signing "more, more" after each
run. We didn't stay too long since it was cold
and windy. The wind made it feel colder than
it was. Little man was getting sleepy so we
went home. He slept for 4 hours when we got

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