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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Adventure Peak

I'm a little behind on this post and I'm trying to keep up better in 2009. Seems to work out better when we're not working. Anyway, we went to Adventure Park in Edina with Isabella, Kim, and Tim on Dec 30th. We've never been so this was a new adventure for us. As you can see in the picture this place is HUGE. The park is made strictly for!!! You'll see in the pictures to follow of what I mean. The "Peak" is 44x44x37 feet high. And you know how much I like heights. Tim and Bella got Jamison and me all the way to the top. I was not digging it!!

There were ton's of kids there running around like they were crazed. I had to guard Jamison and knock a few kids down...ok not really!!

I don't remember where we were at this point but it
was somewhere inside the play area. They had this
netting everywhere so you couldn't fall out or get out
if you really wanted to. Jamison was giving the stink
eye to a kid that ran him over.

This is what I mean by the park being
made for kids. I could hardly get my
but through parts of this jungle. I pulled
few muscles here and for real
I did!!! Ask Tim he'll tell ya!!!

Jamison went down this slide about
20 times. When we go to the bottom
he would sign "more", "more". So we
had to climb back around, avoid
getting run over by 100 kids and slide
back down. I was sweating like a
stuffed pig. I know next time not
to wear a sweat shirt.

Look close in this picture and you
can see how far up we were. Jamison
didn't seem to mind a bit.

Here he is again from the side looking
down. I think he could see Karen and Kim
from this spot. I wanted to get down!!
I found my way out of that maze so
I could take my sweatshirt off.
This is from the ground looking up
and zoomed in.

Jamison, Bella, Karen, and Tim!!

These shots are of Jamison crawling up
a ramp to get back to that slide that he
liked so much. At first he couldn't make it
to the top. But by the time we left he
was a pro. We had to shield him form
all the kids running up behind him.
In the first picture on this post you can see this
bubble dome think sticking out. I crawled in
looked out only once!!! I backed out and let
Jamison look around.
Obviously he is not scared of heights!!

These criss-crossed ropes were pretty
tough for Jamison to navigate. But
eventually he got it. Later on he stopped
at every knot and tried to bite them. Yuck.
Oh did we mention he cut 4 molars over the
break? Oh what a joy sleeping was.

"These ropes are easy!"

"Look one handed now!"

We finally got Jamison out of the play area
and into the gym. He wanted every ball
that rolled by.

Jamison like this chair on wheels thing. Afterward
we went to Fudrucker's for lunch. Jamison ate his whole
burger and fries and wanted "more". He can't eat the
bun right now cuz he's allergic to milk. We stepped
out of Fudrucker's into a snowstorm. Jamison slept the
whole way home and for the next 4 hours. I think we'll
become season ticket holders!!!

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