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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Doc Visit

Saw good ole' Dr. Burns today for a baby check up. We happened to get in early today, which is very surprising. Momma only got a small finger prick today, instead of giving "all" her blood as she says.

Momma has gained @%lbs during her pregnancy and looks great!!! I'm not telling you how much she has gained or I'll be in deep $@#%!

I got to use the hand held ultra-sound machine to hear the babies heartbeat during the visit. It has been my job since the second visit to get out the gel, tell Momma that it will be cold, and then hunt for the heartbeat. I'm getting pretty good at finding the heartbeat now. Skillz baby Skilz!!

There were changes in the heartbeat this time, which we hadn't heard before. The beats were changing from 142-160 bpm. Dr. Burns can listen and tell the number of heartbeats per minute without looking at the machine. Amazing? Maybe.

Here is a picture of Karen with Sam hanging out. If you look close enough you might see a kick or something. Can't wait to see Momma floating in the ocean with that built in floatation device.

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one."
~Leo J. Burke


Jennifer and Kevin said...

Beautiful!! I think I can see Sams butt. Hu hu hu .. I said butt! Thank you for the picture. Sam's heart rate sounds like that of an endurance athlete ... an IronKid? Keep up the good work you two!


Anonymous said...

Dear Adams Family,
After viewing Karen's beautiful belly I think you should extend the name from Sam to Samantha! I didn't see a butt, I saw a va-jay-jay and I think she started some drama with me!?! If you are taking bets-I would like girl, 7.6lbs, and 20 inches long.
When are going to start trying to make a sibling for Samantha? It's never too soon to start!?!
I love you three!

Mom2Rats said...

umm...You said "babies"... is there something you guys aren't telling us?
Belly shot looks great -you guys are doing awesome!

BK said...


Where do we check the Vegas odds for betting?