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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happy First Anniversary!!!

Happy Anniversary Karen!!!

Well I've been waiting to write this post so I could publish it on our Anniversary. Gentlemen the gauntlet has been thrown down, line drawn in the sand, and the mold broken. Karen has set the bar for the rest of time. Have your wives, girlfriends, significant others read this while you stand there with your mouth wide open, hand pointing at the picture and stare with a dumbfounded look in your eyes.

The end of this story will not be given to you at the beginning of the story, like some people tell it. The ending will shock you, unless I've already talked to you. But I wanted to post it for the rest of my brethren to read. It's kinda long so hunker down, get comfy and enjoy a Homebrew!!!

Enter John Tuschner aka J.T.
J.T. called me one night and says "I want a boy toy". My crazy mind starts thinking he wants a boyfriend on the side. But assuming that's not his style, I clarify by asking him what kind of boy toy. He says "one like you and Peter have, a cycle". I get excited that he is gonna graduate from his family owned scooter named the "Piglet", and I'll have someone else to ride with. So we look on Craig's List for an hour and find a few bikes that are nice. We decide to go look at a YZF together so I can check it out and give him my expert opinion.

A few days later Karen and I get on my bike and ride out to Bloomington to check out this bike with J.T. Yes Karen is Preggers at this time and I'm a little nervous about having her ride on the back of the bike. So we ride down to look at the bike anyway. Kinda felt like there was a pillow in my back...anyway. We meet the dude and check out this Awesome machine, no dents, no scratches, just perfect. The tells me I can ride it so I can give J.T. an idea of how it rides. So I get on and it is totally different from my bike, it feels fast. I ride around the corner a bit and it is F-A-S-T Fast! It corners great, moves easily and has DIGITAL display, Kick Ass!!

I ride the bike back to the pit and tell J.T. that this is the bike for him. He says he'll think it over and get back to Dude in a few days.

I don't hear from J.T. in a few days and I start getting a little antsy. I'm calling him and sending him text messages and I hear nothing!! In the mean time Irene, the other half of J.T., keeps telling me he doesn't need the bike, doesn't want him to have the bike etc. etc. So now I'm thinking, Oh well he didn't get the bike. A few days later I get a text saying "I bought it!" SWEET now the three of us can tear up the Minnesota country roads together.

I finally coordinate with John...oops J.T. to go pick this beast up. The day comes and I'm all excited that we are going to get the bike. I tell Karen that I'm gonna ride my bike down so the two of us can go ride together and I can give him a lesson, cuz I'm an expert...did I mention that. Anywho...Karen says I don't want to ride that bike down there. (Yes in that very voice too) So we don't ride the bike and I'm a little pissed that I can't go ride with J.T., and I'm definitely not getting on the back or riding another dude on a bike.

We get to Lakeville and food is on the grill, Nay Nay is being Nay Nay, the dogs are biting me, Spare Parts is hobbling around, and I'm impatient. So I wait, and wait and wait, and wait some more. Somehow the troops are ready to go and J.T. says "Hold on a sec" and disappears into the garage. He comes back a minute later and says "lets go". So we are walking to the door and I notice that everyone is going, Hmmm? And Nay has a camera...Hmmm?

Now this is where the story turns to unbelievable and stuff.

We walk outside and in the driveway is the BIKE!!!! I'm thinking when did Dude drive up and I didn't hear it. Second I think, did J.T. ride this beast home by himself and had me going all along. Then I notice there are bows on the bike, and everyone is smiling a cheesy smile. I walk around the bike and see this!!

Shut The Front Door!! What is this about? J.T. it's not your anniversary, not that I know when it is. What is this all about? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Crraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!!!
No way did Momma get me this bike!! No way!! I can't believe it. Karen then pulls out my helmet that she had hidden in the car and it hits that this BEAST is MINE!!! The whole story with J.T., Irene, The Dude, and Karen was all made up. I was got good, and quite proud of my woman for pulling it off. I've never been got this good.

So Helmets off to you Karen!!
Thank you very much.
This bike is sweet, fast, quick, fast, easily turns (70 mph in a clover-leaf easily), and fast.

Here are a few more pictures!!!

Later People...gotta go ride!!!


Jennifer and Kevin said...

Fa shizzel ma dizzel ... I'm speechless!!! ..........

Mom2Rats said...

Happy Anniversary guys!!
I wish we were all in the same place as we were last year!

BK said...

Oh, snap, wait til Amy sees this shit. Our anniversary!

Did you leave the streamers on? That would be so pretty.

BK said...

Amy said....WHAT WERE YOU THINKING KAREN?! Actually...I'm thinking of buying Ben a bike too. Something in a tricycle that he can share with Ian, maybe with one of those handle's on the back so I can push him when he's too tired to pedal! Mrs.K.