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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rite of Passage or Just a Game

Yeah it's been a while since I put up a posting. I tried to up load a video again but after 3 days of trying I gave up. Some of my best ideas come to me as I'm lying in bed trying to fall asleep at night. I'm all snug, warm, wrapped up in my Tampa Bay blanket, my pillow is just right and I'm pushed to the edge of our king sized bed by two big o' Boxers. It's almost a Zen like state.

So I had an idea all ready to go and thought of getting off of my edge of the bed and write it down. Well I fell asleep and lost most of what I wanted to type. So here is what I remember...

Ok if you have a little boy in your house or have grown up with a brother, you might have heard of the Fart Game. Of course if you live alone, you're probably playing this game by yourself. Having been home, on leave, with Jamison for the past 3 days I think I have found a champion of farts. Yes little man can rip 'em as good as anyone, yes even you Martha. (did I say that out loud? she's gonna kill me).

I was considering it a rite of passage, but maybe it's not since there is no status change, as an online definition stated. Or is it a sign of status? I imagine if you can clear a room with that toxic invisible gas you might be seen as an icon. Or if you can bring your friends to tears in a car with a SBD in the middle of winter. (That be Silent But Deadly) I know after a night of wings and barley pop, the next day was hell for my students. I would let 'em rip, SBD, right in the classroom and they never new. Ha ha ha...Man those used to hang low in the air for a long time. I got busted by a student one day. But that is another story for another day. I even know of someone who is lactose intolerant and I almost need to go see a Dr. after he let's them fly!! My stomach turns just thinking of it.

Back to Jamison and his flatulence. The other night he slept almost through the night without waking and wanting to be fed. My mind stated thinking crazy thoughts like, "is he still breathing". I was about to get up and check when he let out a nice b-flat, 4 second blast. "Ahhh" I thought, "that's my boy!". We can depend on Jamison letting them fly all through the night and Karen and I both laugh. With Jamison lighting it up and the two dogs in a close tie, we could power the whole house on their gases.

Another time, don't you just love this topic, he was sitting in his car seat and he let out a 21 gun salute. It literally lasted 15 seconds or more. Karen and I looked at each other with our mouths wide open. Even the dogs covered their noses and ran. Yes he is already a pro (a tear foms)!!

So here is the question: Is it the Fart Game? or Rite of Passage?

As I am typing this I hear him in his bouncy chair lighting it up......uh-oh that sounds juicy. Gonna have to change that diaper. I remember a word that combined fart and poop....but I just can't seem to remember it. Hmmmmmmmmmm


The Dork said...

The word you're looking for is "shart."

Don't ever forget, Jamison ... farting is always funny, especially if you can blame someone else.

Martha said...

Ya got it all wrong...I'm the master BURPER, not farter! yeah, you're right Bryon, I am gonna kill you.
love to all,

Julie and Patrick said...

Now I see why Julie and I don't visit... do you provide gas masks at the door???