Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Wow it's been too long since we last posted. We've done a lot in the past few days and a lot has happened at home as well. First off we hope everyone at home is safe and somehow unaffected. Out thoughts are also with those who have been affected one way or another.

Ok so Hawaii...what a paradise!!
We flew to Oahu on Tuesday afternoon, rented a car and made our way to Waikiki Beach. Our hotel is just accross the street from the ocean. Our room also has a view looking out into the Pacific, with a awesome sunset each night. The time difference is 5 hours behind Minneapolis, so around 8 pm here we hit the wall. We were walking on the street when we bumped into the wall and we headed to the room. I set two alarms so we could wake up for our 5 am shuttle to the airport.

5 am you ask? Yes we booked a trip to the Big Island "Hawaii" for a volcano tour. Our bus picked us up outside the hotel and shuttled us to the airport. Upon arival we were told to go to the "Go" counter. Yes the airline is called Go,if you don't believe me click the link.
When we got to the counter (5:25am), the gate was down and no one was around. Here we GO. Ha ha that was funny. Anywho, the agents come strolling in at 5:55 and open up. We got our tickets and head to the gate, not sure of what time we are leaving. All the other flights are leaving left and right and we don't have a plane at our gate or any agents.

Around 7:45 some agents show up and set up shop, call us to the gate and walk us outside to the awaiting plane. No need for too many details hear, cuz I slept through most of it anyway. We had a decent plane, small but it was a jet no props. Our flight was only 40 minutes to Hawaii, up we GO and then down we GO.

I could not see the volcano when we flew in, but when I steped out of the plane WOW. I didnt' get a picture then but I'll have some in minute. We loaded up on a motor coach and took off right away to Rainbow Falls.

Just a simple fall but cool anyway. We did see a bunch of Huge Banyon Trees and some other plants along the way

Oh here's a picture of Karen as well, her belly is growing in all this sun.

Well i'm gonna stop here for now...gotta get out on the beach. I'll finish this later tonigh.

C-ya Everyone!!!


Mom2Rats said...

beautiful - the scenery too (kay you look fabulous - Hawaii agrees with you!)
Where's my cocktail?

justasideffect said...

What great photos!

Love the belly bump Karen!!!
