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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

We hope ya'll had a safe and enjoyable New Year's Eve. We laid low on New Year's Eve and hung out with Kim, Tim and Isabella. They just got back from across the pond (London) to celebrate Christmas with Tim's Mom and sisters. I had planned on calling them and letting the Rooster wake them up but I forgot, long story if you haven't heard about it.

The 6 of us hung out ate pizza, looked at Jamison and played with 'Bella. Here is a picture of 'Bella celebrating with Karen.

Looks like she's gonna be a Party Girl!!

Of course Jamison was close by but wanted to be in a swing. He can't keep up with 'Bella YET!!

What you don't see Tim and I? That's cuz we were mixing Gin and Tonics in the other room.
Tasty Tasty Tasty.

New Years Day we traveled down to Lakeville to hang with the Tuschners. That's Irene, John and Nay. I didn't take enough pictures that are worthy of the Blog. I might get shot if I post the ones I have.

Here is something fun! Look at these two pictures and decide who they are.

Hmmm I wonder?

I'll give you an answer if you leave a comment..ha ha ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my is that BRYON