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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bacon Freak!!!!

Happy Bacon Day!!

On my front step today was my second shipment of BACON from the bacon of the month club. This month I received some 2007 award winning Country Bacon. I can't wait to try some out. I didn't even know there were bacon contests. I gotta find out where these are. I need to be judging bacon along with beer. I just had a Brilliant idea!!! What if, get ready for this, I made my own bacon combined with BEER. I could name it Triple B or BBB. Bryon's Beer Bacon. Or BBBB, Bryon's Badass Beer Bacon. Hmmm I'm gonna have to run this by my friend Jim who has lots of ideas. I think i'll also take out the carbs and cholesterol so it can be on everybody's diet. I also got some Sun Dried Tomato Bacon. That is going to be interesting, but hey it's bacon!!! I bet that will make a mean bacon bacon sandwich.

I shared some bacon with some
friends a few weeks ago and
they made fun of it. Here is
what they looked like.

I couldn't get this punk to eat
the bacon. He was scared. I
think he left crying.

These two squirrly women were
making fun of my bacon. They
even dissed my bacon air freshner.
I don't know why Martha is making
that face. She knows she digs the
swine!! Shooooooot

I wish I had pictures of my chocolate
candy bar with bacon. It was strange at first
but the flavors start to meld on the second
and third bites. I hope you are not making
the gas face while you read this. I bet my
cousin down in Tampa would enjoy it with me.

Until next time....keep the bacon cooking!!


justasideffect said...

Yummy! I love Bacon!!! The only kinda of bacon that I get is of the Turkey variety. Where do they get that from??!!??

I have to say, you are sure enjoying your Bacon of the Month club!!!

BK said...

Here's what I think is funny: Bacos, you know, bacon bits that you put on your salad, not real bacon. Its Veggie friendly. That seems odd to me. Of course, this whole blog seems odd to me.

Oh, and it should be Bacon that tastes like bacon. Just be sure to use Bacos and not real bacon. I guess you'd have to shake the beer to circulate the bacon bits. HMMM...

And no salad tossing comments. Yes, I know you were thinking it. I hope this makes it past the moderator.

Anonymous said...

mmm bacon... bacon cake...

Your boy is adorable, we do declare. :)

Chad & Gin